Konu Başlığı: İSLAMIC-RELIEF - KONU İÇİN LÜTFEN TIKLAYINIZ Gönderen: admin üzerinde Eylül 13, 2010, 09:54:21 ÖÖ İSLAMIC-RELIEF - PLEASE PRESS LINKS
İSLAMIC-RELİEF WORLD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Relief Islamic Relief (IR) is an internati onal relief and developme nt organisat ion consistin g of a family of 15 Aid Agencies that aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people[2]. They are inspired by their Islamic values and envisage a world where communiti es are empowered, social obligatio ns are fulfilled and people respond as one to the suffering of others. It is an independe nt Non-Governmental Organizat ion (NGO) founded in the UK in 1984 by Hany El Banna. Exemplify ing its Islamic values, IR works to mobilise resources, build partnersh ips, and develop local capacity, as they work to enable communiti es to mitigate the effect of disasters, prepare for their occurrenc e and respond by providing relief, protectio n and recovery. Islamic Relief is a member of the UN's Economic and Social Council and it is a signatory to the Code of Conduct for the Internati onal Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief. IR is also a member of Bond (British Overseas NGOs for Developme nt) and is part of the global Make Poverty History coalition which İSLAMİC-RELİEF PALESTIN http://www.irpal.ps/sub_main.php?scid=7&id=1111 Repairing damaged and poor homes in Gaza Islamic Relief Palestine (IR PAL) has launched a new project aims to enhance the hard living condition s for 176 of the poorest and affected Palestini an families in the Gaza Strip through home renovatio n. The project, which is funded by IR Germany and IR UK, includes: repair and maintenan ce, building walls, installin g wooden and metal doors and windows, internal plasterin g and painting. The targeted families were carefully selected through specific criteria gathered by IR PAL social workers. Now, the first stage has started by renovatin g 37 homes in Beith Lahia, northern Gaza Strip. This stage will be totally achieved by June 2010 then poor homes in other areas will be targeted. This project is one of IR PAL continuou s developme nt and relief projects which improve the healthy environme nt for the deprived people of Palestine . İSLAMİC-RELİEF PAKISTAN http://www.rozee.pk/islamic-relief-pakistan-company-20222.php Islamic Relief Pakistan Islamabad-PAKISTAN Other Companies In This Industry SACH- Struggle for Change Pakistan Lions Youth Council South Asian Peace Centre Blessings Matrimoni al Services National Welfare Foundatio n COMPANY DETAILSIs lamic Relief commenced operation s in Pakistan in 1992, secured a registrat ion with Security & Exchange Commissio n of Pakistan in 1994 as a company limited by guarantee (Local NGO). Islamic Relief is also registere d with the Economic Affairs Division, Ministry of Finance, Governmen t of Pakistan. Initially the organizat ion started operation with following intervent ions: -One to One Orphans Sponsorsh ip -Emergency and Relief -Seasonal Projects - Qurbani (Meat distribut ion during Eid-Ul-Adha) and Ramadan (Food distribut ion during the holy month of Ramadan) By 2001 activitie s expanded and started to get momentum and increased in thematic and geographi cal areas coverage and since then IR in Pakistan is focusing on the following sectors: i. Sustainab le Developme nt Programme Sustainab le Livelihoo ds Health and Nutrition Water & Sanitatio n Education-ii. Humanitar ian Aid Programme Emergency Relief Response Disaster Preparedn ess-ii. Child Welfare Programme Orphans Sponsorsh ip Child Protectio n and Well being Islamic Relief used an intensive Social Mobilizat ion as a programme implement ation approach, a cross cutting issue and foundatio n for any community / program / project intervent ion. For over last few years IR in Pakistan has gained wide recogniti on and reputatio n among the communiti es that it works with, the host governmen t and the internati onal agencies working in the country. This had increased during the response to the Earthquak e of 8th October 2005, where the organizat ion was taking the lead in some of the localitie s of Kashmir. In 2009 Islamic Relief Worldwide completed its 25 years and in Pakistan it is the 15th year for the organizat ion in country since its registere d locally, serving the marginali zed people mainly in the rural parts of country i.e. Baluchist an and Kashmir and also with focus on disadvant aged communiti es in urban areas such as Rawalpind i http://www.google.com.tr/#hl=tr&q=%C4%B0SLAM%C4%B0CREL%C4%B0EF-PALESTIN&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=5c5d2194af154a http://www.google.com.tr/images?hl=tr&q=%C4%B0SLAM%C4%B0CREL%C4%B0EF&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1003&bih=593 İSLAMİC-RELİEF VİDEOS http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2mb5c_palestine-solidarity-ramadan-in-eng_news http://vimeo.com/8591344 http://www.vidoemo.com/yvideo.php?i=SHJIUXlGcWuRpZ2Q5bzg&islamic-relief-berlin-ibmus-muslim-cup-2005= http://www.google.com.tr/#q=%C4%B0SLAM%C4%B0CREL%C4%B0EF&hl=tr&source=lnms&tbs=vid:1&ei=0dCNTMKaN8rd4AbmmNyLCw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&ved=0CA8Q_AU&prmdo=1&fp=5c5d2194af154a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Relief http://www.islamicrelief.de/ http://www.islamicreliefusa.org/home http://www.islamic-relief.com/whoweare/ContactUs.aspx http://www.islamicreliefcanada.org/Client/Home.aspx http://www.islamic-relief.co.za/ http://www.islamic-relief.se/svenska/ http://www.irvolunteers.com/ http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=international_islamic_relief_organization http://www.islamicaid.org.uk/ http://www.irpal.ps/indexm.php http://www.debbieschlussel.com/15625/haiti-islamic-relief-the-scientologists/ http://www.google.com.tr/#hl=tr&source=hp&q=%C4%B0SLAM%C4%B0CREL%C4%B0EF-BERL%C4%B0N&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=5c5d2194af154a http://www.google.com.tr/#hl=tr&source=hp&q=%C4%B0SLAM%C4%B0CREL%C4%B0EF&aq=f&aqi=g-s1g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=5c5d2194af154a |